Mark Johnston will speak of his 50 years as an independent scholar in the greenspace industry. He is the author of 'Street Trees in Britain , A History' 2022, among other works. He will reference the detail covered in his recently published book.
he Northern Ireland Heritage Gardens Trust recently held a very successful conference at the Woodenbridge Hotel, Co Wicklow, when over a hundred delegates from Ireland and Great Britain enjoyed a programme of talks about The Role of Water in Historic Garden Design and Management.
Christy gave our Spring Lecture earlier this year, giving us a foretaste of what was to come, and, for those also attending our conference next week, there will be a number of the books available to buy as well as an opportunity to speak to the author.
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2017 Conference
Event Details
5/10/2017 - 8/10/2017
Annual Conference
Lissadell House, Co. Sligo
Lissadell House, Ballinful, Co. Sligo, Ireland
Tel: +353 (0) 71 9163150
Lissadell is situated 11km north of Sligo Town.
From Sligo, take the N15 north for 5km; then take a left turn after Drumcliff for Carney and points west. The next 6km takes you through the village of Carney, heading west.
The entrance to Lissadell is the third on the left after the village of Carney, directly opposite the Anglican Church built by Sir Robert Gore Booth in the 1850s.
*** Please note NEW format ***
Thursday 5th (evening), Friday 6th and Sat 7th OCTOBER 2017
The conference schedule, Flyer & Booking Form are NOW AVAILABLE. On-Line Booking is now open