Garden History Society
The Garden History Society (GHS) is the oldest society in the world dedicated to the conservation and study of historic designed gardens and landscapes. Through our interventions, advice and casework we have helped save or conserve scores of important gardens since we were founded by a small but dedicated band of garden-lovers in 1966.
Irish Georgian Society
The Irish Georgian Society is Ireland's Architectural Heritage Society. The Society aims to encourage an interest in and to promote the conservation of distinguished examples of architecture and the allied arts of all periods in Ireland. These aims are achieved by education and grants, planning participation, membership and fundraising.
Ulster Architectural Heritage
The Ulster Architectural Heritage Society exists to promote the appreciation and enjoyment of architecture from the prehistoric to the present in the nine counties of Ulster, and to encourage its preservation and conservation.

The Follies Trust
Mariga Guinness claimed in a magazine article that ‘Ireland has more follies to the acre than anywhere else in the world’. Is that true? Who knows and does it matter? We have lots. What is a folly anyway? These delightful buildings defy categorisation – that is part of their charm.

Town & Country Providers of Garden Gloves, Footwear and Accessories have a many years been associated with the NIHGT as suppliers of the Conference Name Bage Holder & Lanyards - for this we are most grateful.
Garden Museum
The Museum was set up in 1977 in order to rescue from demolition the abandoned ancient church of St Mary’s which is the burial place of John Tradescant (c1570 – 1638), the first great gardener and plant-hunter in British history. His magnificent and enigmatic tomb is the centrepiece of a knot garden planted with the flowers which grew in his London garden four centuries ago.

Walled Kitchen Gardens Network
Walled kitchen gardens are an important part of our history, yet are now largely neglected and little understood. In the last century, most large country houses had a walled kitchen garden. They were highly productive places: food, herbs and flowers for the family, staff and guests of the big house.
National Inventory of Architectural Heritage - GARDENS
The objective of this survey is to begin a process of understanding of the extent of Ireland's historic gardens and designed landscape. Sites were identified using the 1st edition Ordnance Survey maps. These were compared with current aerial photography to assess the level of survival and change. This assessment is not an indication of a site's heritage importance. Fieldwork is now in progress to compile more accurate data and site assessments. The results will be added to the website as this work progresses.

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS)
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK's leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening. The goal is to help people share a passion for plants, to encourage excellence in horticulture and inspire all those with an interest in gardening.

Caring for historic gardens and designed landscapes
The Association consists of 35 County Gardens Trusts from all over England, and is affiliated to the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust. As a national charity, our focus is on promoting the enjoyment of gardens and parks to the general public. We learn about garden heritage and designed landscapes, engage in conservation, planning and garden research, and encourage gardens in schools.
The Role of the National Botanic Gardens - The activities and role of the Gardens is a great deal more varied than meets the eye. Their purpose is to explore, understand, conserve, and share the importance of plants. They aim to make the National Botanic Gardens a place where leisure, recreation and education are all compatible for the enjoyment of our visitors.
‘An Taisce, The National Trust for Ireland, is founded entirely for the benefit of the people: our hope is that people will in turn do their part’
(Robert Lloyd Praegar, 1948). An Taisce The National Trust for Ireland was established in 1948 by Robert Lloyd Praegar, an Irish naturalist and historian. Praegar believed the protection of our heritage to be a responsibility shared by all the inhabitants of Ireland, but understood that an independent non-governmental body was required to join the people of Ireland in conserving and protecting Ireland’s heritage.

The Tree Council of Ireland is a voluntary non-governmental organisation which was formed in 1985, to promote the planting, care and conservation of trees in both urban and rural areas. It is the umbrella body linking together 50 organisations connected by their appreciation of trees, and it aims to foster a tree and wood culture among Irish people.
Heritage Trees

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Garden & Landscape Designers Association
The GLDA is Ireland’s only association of professional garden designers, horticulturists and landscape architects. Individual members provide garden and landscape design services throughout Ireland. Every Full Member is rigorously assessed by an external panel of professionals, made up of experts from the design, horticultural and academic sides of the profession.
Click here to visit the web pages

Click on logo to go their web site
The Irish Tree Society exists to
- Increase the knowledge and appreciation of trees by meetings and publications
- Promote research into and record the details of specimen trees and help in their conservation. Specimen trees are notable for their size, age, rare or unusual location, magnificent form and good proportions, artistic setting or historical association.
- Encourage the planting of native, naturalised and exotic trees.

Types of Roses: A Visual Compendium
A helpful compendium for Types of Roses