‘To the Mountains of Myanmar – A Burmese Adventure’ Lecture by Seamus O'Brien on Tuesday 16th March 2021 @ 7.30pm
Seamus O’Brien, Head Gardener at the National Botanic Gardens Kilmacurragh relates some fascinating stories of his travels from a recent expedition to Myanmar where he visited the areas botanised by Lady Charlotte Wheeler Cuffe and Captain Frank Kingdon Ward in the early part of the 20th century.
Registration NOW OPEN please register by sending an email to info@nihgc.org
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Seamus O’Brien manages the National Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh, Co. Wicklow, an 18th century estate with a wide range of rare and exotic plants, many of them raised from the collections of the Great 19th and early 20th century plant hunters. He is a corresponding member of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Woody Plant Committee and is Irish Branch Chair of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Rhododendron Camellia Magnolia Group. In 2018 he was awarded the Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland’s Gold Medal of Honour for services to Irish and International Horticulture.