The NIHGC was represented at the meeting in Castlewellan which was organised by Simon Moore who presented the Update!
Circa 85 interested people attended including local Councillors and MLA's. Following the presentation many people expressed encouraging positive comments. Praise was deservedly paid to the ARC volunteers who have been continued their regular valiant effort to maintain the historic Annesley Garden.
Hopefully the efforts are now moving steadfastly towards a creditable and qualified Trust who can move steadily towards securing the future of this important Tourism Hidden Gem - a Garden and Arboretum of European if not World significance! The Property is currently managed by DARD'a Forestry Service. The soon to be announced Trust hopes to lead the mission to secure the Trees, Shrubs, Herbaceous Borders and the Buildings for future generations to enjoy!
Please please do what ever you can to support the endeavours.

NIHGC like many others are very concerned about the lack of proper care of this Internationally important Arboretum and Garden. Click on the "cutting" below for larger image.

The Committee are keen to assist in any way possible to influence the 'decision makers' to act NOW to halt the deteriation of this important piece os our Heriatge. Lend your support in any way you can. Click on the following Link for some recent images:
Anyone who has recently visited the Annesley Garden & Castlewellan Arboretum will be in no doubt that the gardens and the important collection is in serious decline. The gardens where purchased by Government some years ago and are currently under the Stewartship of DARDNI's Forest Service.
The walled Annesley Garden, dating from 1740, provides a central focal point for the National Arboretum at Castlewellan. This magnificent collection of trees and shrubs, set in beautiful surroundings, also incorporates fountains, ponds, ornamental greenhouses and broad sweeping vistas.
This collection ranks among the top three arboreta in the British Isles and the finest in Ireland. It is also highly significant amongst European collections!
It includes:-18 oldest existing specimens in the British Isles, 34 ‘champion’ trees of the British Isles and 42 ‘champion’ trees of Ireland.
WE NEED TO RAISE AWARENESS of this Jewel and influence decision makers to such an extent that we reverse the decline!
Protocol for the Care of the Government Historic Estate 2009 - Department for Culture, Media and Sport

Read the document, Protocol for the care of the government historic estate 2009.pdf (2.2mb)