‘The NIHGC have learned that there have been outbreaks in Northern Ireland of the fungal pathogen Phytophthora lateralis on Lawson Cypress trees Chamaecyparis lawsoniana. About a dozen cases have been confirmed since August this year (2011) – for the press release and further information on the subject see http://www.nidirect.gov.uk/news-aug11-advice-to-help-prevent-spread-of-tree-disease. The disease has already been a problem with the tree in its native Oregon and across North America, so its introduction here is perhaps no great surprise, and measures needs to be taken to eliminate it as soon as possible. It may be noted that Chamaecyparis lawsoniana has been an important tree in our arboreta since it first distributed in Ireland in the 1850s by the Lawson Nursery (Edinburgh). Undoubtably its loss would result in serious damage to many of our arboreta. There are many good examples of the tree, for example at Brooke Hall, where there is a very fine example of the cultivar ‘Wisselii’’.