Preview of the Conference Venue


Royal Kilmainham Hospital the superb venue for the 2012 Conference 5-7th Oct

Conference bookings


Conference bookings interest on the increase.

Plant Hunters Seminar at Mount Stewart


This year's Plant Hunter's Seminar will take place at Mount Stewart on Friday 21st and Sat 22nd September 2012

Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden, Comment on


NIHGC comment on the Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden

The first of the On-Line Conference Bookings have been received. Conference dates 5-7th. October 2012

On-Line Conference Bookings


The first of the On-Line Conference Bookings have been received. Conference dates 5-7th. October 2012

Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of The Phoenix Park in Dublin, find out more about upcoming events and activities at the venue.

Phoenix Park 1662 - 2012, Events Programme


Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of The Phoenix Park in Dublin, find out more about upcoming events and activities at the venue.

Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden - Please please do what ever you can to support the endeavours to secure the future of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbaceous Borders and the Buildings.

Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden


Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden - Please please do what ever you can to support the endeavours to secure the future of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbaceous Borders and the Buildings.

An obvious topic for this years Conference in October. Booking will be available in early Spring

Deer in The Phoenix Park


An obvious topic for this years Conference in October. Booking will be available in early Spring

Castlewellan Arboretum & Annesley Garden Update Meeting


Circa 85 interested people attended the meeting in Castlewellan, including local Councillors and MLA's. Following the presentation many people expressed encouraging positive comments and praise was deservedly paid to the ARC volunteers who have been continued their regular valiant effort to maintain the historic Annesley Garden.

2012 Conference Dates, Theme and Venue confirmed


The Committee are extraordinarily pleased to announce that the 2012 Conference will be from Fri 5th to Sunday 7th October 2012. The Theme will be Royal Parks & Gardens "Back to the Future" and will be in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin.

IGPS Lecture


30th Anniversary Lecture in The Old Courthouse, Antrim. 20th Oct by Seamus O'Brien

Web pages Updated


Our Web pages have been Updated, please enjoy a browse.

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